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Preschool  Kindergarten


YFCR has been working with pre-
school age children since '1989. VVe
presently have 75 preschool children with expectations of reaching our capacity' of 150. Our services are for full days while the parents work, or half

days for kindergartners, We provide transportion for children to school, after their parents drop them off betvveen 6:00 and 7: 00 a.m and pick them up after the session has ended.

Basketball Teams




Having coached high school boys
basketball since 1981, Bennie .. .our
founder, sought out teens who did not
make the hlgh school teams and
develop teams that would play other
organizations such as the boys' clubs
or church teams in Indiana and ~Illinois.
In 1984 and 1986 they won two

national championships: one in
Lansing, Michigan, and the other one
in Columbus, Ohio. Although many of
these boys came from the projects and
single parent homes, Bennie instilled

in them moral truth, and most went on
to become great Black Americans.

Field Trips/ Camp Ministries



We will have weekly Field trips, and all suggestions are welcome. Campimg in Geneva Wisconsin for 30 years and counting for all ages.

We have taken kids to summer or winter camps, and for the last 20 years we have taken these children to the
Covenant camp grounds Geneva Bay Center in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. We average 40 children each year.
We could increase that number of children to 120. This will include transportation and more camp staff _



​Our after school program was started
in 1974. but was limited to teenagers
until 1989, Since then It has been
expanded to include first through
eighth grades,


We use four vans and one bus to pick
up children from 15 different schools in
Gary, In., and bring them to YFCR. They are then provided with a nutritious meal and are grouped by age fer help with
homework, remediation and

enrichment. If they have no homework
we challenge them with our
educational materials, or recreational


V'Ve also provide other forms of
development from time to time such as
dance classes, martial arts, and vouth
entrepreneurship In the summer we
have T-ball baseball for the younger
children, {YFCR has Boy Scout
Troop Training


In 2001 YFCR was awarded a three
year grant of $210,000 from the
Justice Department to provide
mentoring. Even though the grant
money has expired we have continued

this program.


PROJECT S.E.A.M. (Self-Esteem & Anger Management)
Elementary-Junior High-High School Suspension and Title 20 Program

(Grades l-lO)----May 4,2004



What is PROJECT S.E.A.M? (Self-Esteem & Anger Management)

Just as the seam of a garment holds the dress or shirt together and brings
shape to it, having self-esteem and managing one's anger will help children
become better behaved in and out of school; SEAM will help them improve

  • Project SEAM (Self-Esteem) helps change students concept aboutthemselves from negative to positive: changing thoughts of low self-esteem to loving themselves and having a positive self-image abouttheir *character development*and person (helping them to accepttheir looks, their economic status etc); with a determination to improvelife, theirs and those around them. We want to help students begin orcontinue to discover their purpose in life. We want to help youngpeople to love their neighbor as they love themselves.

  • Project SEAM (Anger Management) helps students to control theiranger and to see the consequences of uncontrolled anger. We givestudents a formula to use when angered by peers or adults; how to actand not react; what to do when they are unfairly treated. We give themexamples of how famous people overcame unfairness, controlled theiranger and conquered problems. We teach them how to be angrywithout getting into trouble.




1. a safe, orderly and caring environment

2. Tutorial Services for academic improvement

. J . Activities to increase Self-Esteem

4. Training in anger management

5. Support and training for parents whose children are suspended

6. To serve the public school system

7. Training in prevention strategies

8. To improve students Moral Behavior





 What are YFCR's Goals in the PROCESS of Project SEAM?


YFCR is conducting an out of school suspension Program that is housed at the facility
located at 2700 Jackson Street (formerly Douglas School). The three goals of this
project are to Firstly address the low self-esteem and anger management issues of
these suspended or expelled students The second goal is to help these student
academically especially in reading and math skills, while we stay in close contact
with the educational system. The third goal is to Basic Life Skills.

This project is appropriately entitled SEAM (Self-esteem and Anger Management)
because a seam holds two pieces of fabric together. With this project, YFCR would
like to be one of the seams that holds the fabric of these students lives to the fabric of
the educational system during their suspension or their expulsion. We can help
change the child's behavior from a self-destructive behavior to a behavior that will
help them fulfill their God given purpose in life. We are working to see students
become leaders and not just followers. Leading others to be better students,
friends and human being

 What is our History & the capacity to serve youth in Project S.E.A.M.!

  • In April of 2000 we piloted Project SE.A.M. and served (26) students(report enclosed exhibited A)

  • In year 200 1  we worked with students from other school districts(example) - Merrillville school district & students from the Garyschools as parents heard about Project SEAM. (Reports enclosedexhibited B)

  • Suspended students capacity- Suspended from two to tendays*grades 1-10. We are able to work with (30) suspended studentsper week

  • Title 20 students capacity-We are capable of serving (20) Titlestudents per school year, grades 1-10.

Time: Regular S.E.A.M. hours 8:30am to 3:30 pm. Some children remain
as a part of our afterschool program.



What is the curriculum?


  • An outline portion of our curriculum for self-esteem & anger Management (outline is enclosed)

  • We encourage parents to go to their Child's teacher to obtain classroomassignments so students are able to keep pace with schoolwork during the suspension.


PROCEDURES - Step by Step Process


  1. To receive fax about the suspension, contact parent and initiate a formal registration process

  2. To receive OUT of SCHOOL SUSPENSION (OSS) student(s) who havebeen brought to the center by their parent or guardian.

  3. To assign student to group schedule based on age and grade level

  4. To coordinate reading, language arts, and math instruction withinformation from teachers

  5. To provide Self-esteem enhancing activities and anger management training

  6. To provide exposure to entrepreneurial and sales concepts

  7. To provide prevention strategies

  8. To have OSS students picked up by parent

  9. To involve OSS students in a total of six (6) weekly 2-hour self-esteem and anger management sessions after the suspension is over

  10. To involve parents in at least one self-esteem and anger managementsession

  11. To provide basic life skills training

  12. To provide recreation


The parents will have the responsibility of enrolling their children in Project SEAM.
The students will be assigned to groups with the primary consideration being age and
grade level with schedules for Reading and Math. The self-esteem enhancing
activities and anger management training will utilize the At-Risk curriculum for
Independent Thinking Skills for Youth. Students will be exposed to entrepreneurial
and sales concepts that hopefully, will stimulate them to get more excited about what
they are learning in school. The content of the prevention sessions will cover topics
such as Alcohol Drug Abuse, Cigarette Smoking and other high-risk behaviors. The
parent or guardian will pick up the student at day's end. After the required
suspension, the student will be required to attend a total of six (6) weekly Self-esteem
and Anger Management sessions. These sessions will last two hours and will be used
to reinforce the concepts presented during class times. Parents will be asked to
attend at least one of these sessions.


PROCEDURES - Step by Step - Process using forms


  1. Project Seam Referral form (C)---to be filled outby school signed by parent and fax to YFCR onthe day the student is suspended or expelled fromschool (if possible) the parent is contacted andREFERRED to Project SEAM.

  2. Parent comes to YFCR that afternoon or the nextmorning to complete the 3 page Suspensionregistration forms D (1) (2) (3)

  3. Project Seam Evaluation forms to be completedby YFCR Project Seam teachers - Form (E)

  4. Project Seam daily sign-in sheet for student andparent.- Form (F)

  5. Project Seam Visitation Record follow -up record. YFCR Staff Visitation form (G)




This project will be evaluated by seven (1) methods:

  1. Weekly, the Staff will be asked to evaluate the Project logically

  2. At the end of suspension, each teacher at YFCR will be asked to evaluate the Students’ attitude.

  3.  At the end of suspension, Parents will be asked to evaluate the Project's usefulness

  4. Monthly, the students will be tracked for behavior problems and recidivism

  5. The Staff at YFCR will follow up on students with parents’ permission, periodically

  6. Quarterly, the school system will be asked to evaluate the Project's usefulness

  7. Yearly, to see a decline in the out of school suspension rate and no recidivism

from the students we have sent through the PROCESS OF SEAM.

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